Sunday, February 21, 2010

Storing the Strawberries

Strawberry is a tasty and colourful fruit. In America, almost all the seasons we get this fruit. But very costly fruit. If we get them in bulk, we have a fear that we can't store them for too long or atleast a week of time. So what to do??? It is a big question for many people, so here is the beautiful tip for that. Here after you can buy them in bulk and store them for 2 weeks without any wastage.

All you need:
A zip lock bag, 4 Tissue papers, Strawberries.

Method of storing the Strawberries:

1. When you get the stawberries from the store, they will have some moisture in it. Basically that's the reason they get spoiled so soon if u keep them outside.

2. Take a zip lock bag (the size depends on the number of strawberries you want to store), take tissue papers(the size and length of them should be equal to the size of the zip loack bag), arrange them on 2 sides of zip lock bag, so that the tissues will cover all the sides and absorbs the
moisture of the strawberries and keep them fresh.

3. Now take the strawberries (don't remove the leaves of them), keep them in between the tissues of zip lock, don't over fill the bag, keep little empty space, cover with tissue on top of them, so that all the strawberries are completely packed.

4. Now remove all the air from the bag, by pressing with hands and immediately lock the bag properly.

5. Now keep the bag in the fridge and they will lost for 2 weeks of time. You can take the fruits whenever you want from the bag, but repeat the same process to increase the life time of them. The air should be removed completely before sealing the bag. That's very important.

6. Its always better to store them in 2 to 3 zip loack bags, so you need not open all of them when you want to eat them. Just open one bag, eat the fruits then go for the next one.

Hope all of you liked this tip and I am pretty sure that this tip will be useful for everyone.


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